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Ridgeway Clocks Serial Number Lookup: The History and Evolution of the Oldest Grandfather Clock Bran


The serial number may be located along the inside back panel of the clock. This can be difficult to access. You will have to get down on your knees and look deep into the clock's inner workings. Be careful not to upset the weights or other parts of the clock while you are attempting to locate the serial number.

Ridgeway Clocks Serial Number Lookup

To access the back panel of the clock, face the front of the clock and find the left panel that opens for repair work or tuning. Remove the panel fully. This will allow you to look at the back panel and behind the movement of the clock. Use a flashlight to find the serial number.

I recently bought a Ridgeway clock at an estate sale. (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle[]).push();The model number is 9108, serial number 91039251, movement style CC, and dial style MP. All of this info is on stickers inside the clock. I found that the model indicates manufacture in 1991. What I would like to know is the title of the clock. I haven't been able to locate a good enough picture of it to be sure, but I think it may be a "Fairfax". Any help will be appreciated.Thanks,Don

vol. xxvi.N?- 7,K-9.IN EW-YORK, ?MONDAY, JI IVE 4, 1806.PRICE FOI R CENTSTHE FENIAN TO.tim; mm at ridgeway,lort Krie Evacuated by the Fenian.- and Oe. eniiieil by the Canadian Troop.--.A FIGHT AND FLIGHT.IHtC.L'iB EXHIBJIIO-T OP M.LIT.BY Fenian-* Attempt to Retreat to the AmfrieanSide, but are Captured by tbe1 fitted States Boots.COI.? O'NEILL AND STAFF PRISONERS.An ?kmwmfif? Ke-enforceraent from Biftlorrevented.len. Barry in Cum nant of the Amrriean Forre-?Hu Orders from Gen. Grant.Heavy l.e-enfomwnts Going Toward Goji.Hwwny at BL Albans.Ie.?.1 oribe Fi?btiDg-7. Rilled and Would.-.OT1KI ENGAGEMENTS EXJ'ElTEI?.Tbe :? from ihe Fenian battit? .-rou-d, givenin Tni Ti. : v . lol Kurtl*.rii? in a if.'.lit r IsMBOI?I ti. bOOOSBN nu teil und unreell.rori-ntl. condition. It appear?, however, thiit at au early hour.m Bal hyviti^ I'urtiid the bridges niFreu huiuii s Creek ian! Miller'? 1'oiut. the whole forcewas ? :i. TLey were pun-ued on ti.Mard i rtl dboraebjoportjofl aootb*er jim -t Brie a:.?l ?out otu?him Seven miles up the lake.toward IVrt (.Hit uri a, near Ridgeway, the Beg i!ars (tamoBf wit?, km Fe:.ians who wore encamped in a biih. Thertilumn at once attacked them, the "(jueen's Own" firingHie lie! - I ; t now became fBBMBll? Ile Volun?teers drmr.g the*. A number were ki.led on b' thSides. The volunteers behaved splendid!?-, railing at theretreating Kci.iar s vit! th- .'.most gallantry.Of the furtp?? e-gaued. there wore about 800 Cand?anvela'?s that two of the E-gli??-. troops were killed and anumber wounded, and that the Keuiani? ?uttered lo aprrtatcrcxt'i.t. At all events, there were about 60 takeniirnonere and carried to Fort Eric. Another accountBaye: "Tin Qmob/B Own Company of volunteera cauieupon the Keiiinii- this morning near Ridgeway, a smull?tbtion btlow here, and attacked them at once. A generallight eiibiied, resulting in the withdrawal of the volunteersto await iel?fceeOBOntBi A f-w on both sido? are reportedlo have fallon, lut thin- m trustworthy information ofanly one volunteer killi d. viz: Ensign MtEachrer?. Afew others are reported wounded,"Still another account is the following)"The Fenian? _nnil>ereil 1200 ?troup. The action took88888 ?r-o-t 4 j. m. Its Fenian army being ?orne four mile?mun Ridgeway. The volanteera bad taken a ?trong pasltioo,b?t ?ere tlettinved by ti ?ana of a feint. H-Hug advancedfrom tt ir cover In pursuit of the ?uppoted retreatiiip Fer.l?n?,the? were turnen npon and driven from the -eld. The volun?teer? retreatei'. la! M ..ri xtiou of Port Colb-rne, the Fcinitiikpai-coing. The partait war abandoned about f p. ni., andjiri?oii*-r? a 1 wouu-ed were quartered apon the farmer? alonpthe road, ??uiir.? httaa detailed for their protection. TheFenian? had ?0:11e *ix or ?eves killed and quit? a numberwoo_ile_. 'During the progr?s? of these events and of those detailedia our Saturday s is*:,?, there waa greet activity among theadhcreutt ot' both the contending elements in localities ro?te?te tr?na the 880t of war. Reen.orc.ment* were providedfrom many quarter?. Regulara and v.l.ut?ers were aentforward in great !.-_.. er? from various Canadian citie* andtown?, while from Og.-.burg-, St. Aibau't, Sackett'aHarbor, and, indeed, from placet far and near, men andaBiii?tiuiiF of war we;? transmitttl- to the Fenians withteinarkatlt- enthusiasm and ia considerable abundance.Fuch wss the state of facts on Saturday evening that theRidgeway tight was renewed by the Fenian?, with the reaulte such aa are ben after detalles!.Gea. Grant passed through Buffalo for the Wee?.ea .Saturday at noon, and from that point seat the follow?ing dup-lob to Gen. Meade:OR?. GRANTS DISPATCH.lil Ff_!.o Satordav. Jane-, 1.06.Te _FAUR. V. t A l'ktladtl?ikia, Pe,:tiru Kerry ia here. Abnicb him to general oommandffroB Buffalo to the mouth of the Niagara Uiver.Th? 8tute authoritie? ahould call oat the anllti? on the fron?tier, to prevent hi ?nie expedition? leaving the United State?,Bud to ?ave private property from deitrncrinn by mob?.I K. G ka XT Lieutenant-Generalt\\Meantime, during the progress of the event? of Frida;.*Slid Saturday, the United .States authoritiea were not idle,and in consequence of adrices received at Buffalo, fromWat-Higton. aa well as the growing boldness of theFenian preparations in the city to re?nforce the invadenin Canada, induced the steamer Michigan and the mili?tary authorities to check communication between the twoShores of the Niagara. Order? were issued forbid.liu- the?wing of the river by anybody, which were only purtially effective, owing to lack of moana to enforce thom.Company D of the 74th, and Company B of the 6.tb R?gl?aient, N. Y. N. 0., were directed to embark on tugs andpatrol the river. Marching from the armory to the dockserith small brass field pieces, ihete companies found it inaonvemenl to secure tug*. They returned to the arsoualfollowed by a crowd of hooting Fenians. A patrol ofthe river was, however, at length ordernd; and as an indi?cation of the anxiety of the United States (lovernment ti?prevent the Fenians from crossing Niagara, it nine 0888be mentioned that the commander of the M.chigan,newly*ap(Munted. is an Englishman, having succeeded auAmerican officer who held the position with credit. Vinsubjoin Special and Ass?->riated Presi dispatches, receivedItirn.g Hie last twenty-lour h??urs, oouveyitij? additionalintelligence concerning the enure subject;1 Di.pati b to Th? It. Y Tribun?Nia?.ta? Falijs S? mile? north of Hit? 1 ?a? t*G T. R. K . ?lune'.. 1 ??,. ?,A Ught took place at this point to?d*y. The Canadianforcea advanciug hxtti Fort OolbOtaM met the Its?a 1pi? ket line and drov?- it in. A ?hirp !? 1? ?.'.ort ri-ht ??! -au,*J. and the Canadian force w?_? driven ha? k, losing lito M men killed and wounded. It f.-li bit. k tu U?fOtMf,tin the railroad, ihe Fenians fillowiug f ir * short Ji?unci,then retrealiiir in their tiMt petition. Their loss t? BO.hui'Wii. Tfeo! r.rt? nuiubere 1 MtBtiei-re. A Fenian ?trauifl'-r ?ays bwwj b^i u.,?- h


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